- What predictions about the future were people making 100 years ago? 50 years ago? (Find 3-4 articles or discussions to look over.)
- Determine if the list is a “wish list” – as in, these are the things one might hope for in the future, or more a warning.
- Which predictions seem to have come true? Which turned out to be bizarre, off-track, or still out of reach?
- Can you identify any trends or patterns in these predictions? What concerns or achievements do they seem focused on? For example, do people in general seem to be anticipating a better world?
- It is your turn to predict a future world. What do you see?
100 years
BBC(right) - Digital Color, Tanks, Americans growing in height, Mobile Phones, MREs, TV, Bigger Fruits
BBC(wrong) - Everybody will walk 10 miles a day, no more cars in big cities, no mosquitos or flies
WebUrbanist - Wild animals wont exist anymore except in zoos, food deliver via pneumatic tubes, zero traffic sound in cities
50 years
Urbanghostsmedia - Dolphins/Apes will be engineered to be more useful, printing new knowledge into the human brain, deep freezing, exploration to different galaxies, quantum generator, robot fighting and no more human war casualties, robot hospitals, online learning through TV, moon colonies
2. In some cases these lists are considered a wish list and in others they are considered a reality list. People predicting the future back in the day were either way to conservative or were making extreme unbelievable predications. In the BBC post a handful of the predictions made have become true today, whereas in some the ideas are completely farfetched and unrealistic in todays terms.
3. Predications like Americans growing in height, mobile phones, meals ready to eat, TV, bigger fruits, and color printing are all predications that have come true with the technology we have today. Ideas like food being delivered through pneumatic tubes, human brain imprinting, war robots, deep freezing, and moon colonies are all still out of reach in this century.
4. Theres a pattern of a better future in each list of predications, focused most importantly around the improvement of life and technology. In general people do anticipate a better world lying ahead of them, a world that opens opportunity and a better quality of life.
5. By 2100 I predict a great advancement in the technology that we have available, through scientific innovations we will have much more advanced transportation. Flying cars, a higher ability to travel to space and possible establish a colony on the moon, and human brain chip implants.
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