Wednesday, April 19, 2017

WWI Poster Analyzing

Propaganda - A biased opinion to get attention of people for a cause

 ideas, or rumors deliberately spreadwidely to help or harm a person, group,movement, institution, nation, etc.

Poster #1 -  A Wonderful Opportunity for You

In this poster it is trying to get the attention of people looking for  new opportunity in life. It says "Ashore on leave" as someone that has their luggage is about to leave with the United States Navy as he has a big happy smile on his face.

Poster #2 - Learn to make and test the big guns

In this poster the artist is trying to get the attention of people interested in working with guns. It says "better yourself - enlist and learn new trade" trying to get the attention of people looking to learn a new trade in the "ordinance department.

Poster #3 - US Navy Recruiting Station

On this poster it is headlined, "The navy needs you! Don't read American history make it!" trying to encourage people to join the fight to make "their own American history". It has an angelic woman holding an American flag behind the soldier that is enlisting trying to get the attention of the men and encourage them to join.

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